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Privacy policy


Version 30-01-2023

The CWB ensures that personal data are collected, used and removed in a careful manner and in accordance with laws and regulations. We also value honest and transparent services. For these reasons, we believe it is important for you to know exactly which personal data the CWB collects and for what purposes we use these personal data. We will try to describe this as clearly as possible in this privacy statement.

Stichting Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport

The CWB, established at Achtseweg Zuid 159H in Eindhoven, is the controller for your personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation. This means, among other things, that we have an obligation to inform the persons whose data we collect and process.

Whose data do we process?

The CWB collects and processes personal data of:

Visitors and users of our website

We collect some data from you when you visit our website. We use these data to optimise our website and improve our services. We also collect your data in order to deal with your requests for information or publications.

We process this information:
With your consent. You can withhold or withdraw this consent at any time.


If you are a CWB Participant, we collect data from you and the organisation where you work. We need these data for the proper performance of our services.

We process this information:

  • To comply with legal obligations;
  • To properly perform the agreement(s) we have concluded with you;
  • To properly implement the terms of use for the platform;
  • On the basis of an existing legitimate interest, based on which we carry out our business interests and operations. In doing so, we always balance these interests against your privacy and only process the data that are necessary to achieve the targets set;
  • In some cases: with your consent.

Business relations and service providers

The CWB network includes a large number of business relations and service providers. To maintain these relations and comply with agreements made, we collect a number of data from you.

We process this information:

  • To properly perform the agreement(s) we have concluded with you;
  • To comply with legal obligations;
  • On the basis of an existing legitimate interest, based on which we carry out our business interests and operations. In doing so, we always balance these interests against your privacy and only process the data that are necessary to achieve the targets set;
  • In some cases: with your consent.

Visitors and users of our website

Our website is our calling card for the digital world. For this reason, we want our website to work optimally for all visitors and also to offer you a means of getting in touch with us. In order to achieve this, we process some of your data.

We process personal data of website visitors both directly and indirectly. Directly when you submit data to us via our website. Indirectly through cookie technology.


CWB uses various cookies. For example, we use cookies to analyze our website traffic, to store your preferences, to provide social media functions and for marketing purposes. Cookies are information files that can be automatically stored via the web browser when you visit a website.

We have also drawn up a Cookie Statement to provide insight into all cookies. Here you will find information about the types of cookies, their purpose, providers, type and expiry period.

When you visit our website, you will be given the option to change your preferences or to agree to the use of all cookies. You can do this by clicking on the paperclip sign.

Which data do we collect from you?

Depending on the data you provide to us via our website and depending on the cookies you accept, the CWB collects the following data:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Company where you work

We process this information in order to:

  • Improve our website and the services provided by the CWB;
  • Contact you at your request;
  • Deal with your requests for information or publications: if you would like more information about our services or want to be kept informed of our products, we process your data in order to send you a reply.

Transfer to third parties

In principle, we do not share your data with others. This only happens if this is necessary for the performance of our services or if we have a legal obligation. In this case, we share data with:

  • Our own employees and third parties hired by us;
  • Suppliers we work with, e.g. for certification audits


The CWB has been set up for Participants, by Participants. Employees (of organisations) that are affiliated with the CWB as Participants play an indispensable role in achieving our common goal: making the high-tech industry in the Netherlands cyber-resilient. In order to fulfil this role and thus jointly achieve this goal, we collect a number of data.

Which data do we collect from you?

When you register as a CWB Participant, the following personal data are collected:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Position and the company you work for
  • Details of the company you work for
  • Data for events and meetings

For the purpose of the CWB portal and the IoS/Android CWB app, we process the following personal data:

  • Business e-mail addresses of users/visitors
  • Contact details of users/visitors
  • Interests of users/visitors (e.g. in categories)

We process this information in order to:

  • Connect you and your organisation to the CWB, to the private portal and the app;
  • Provide you with targeted information;
  • Connect you to suitable service providers according to your wishes and needs;
  • Send you invoices;
  • Send you communications, including newsletters, invitations to meetings and events, internal communications and reports;
  • Allow you to use the CWB portal and the CWB app optimally.

Transfer to third parties

In principle, we do not share your data with others. This only happens if this is necessary for the performance of our services or if we have a legal obligation. In this case, we share data with:

  • Our own employees and third parties hired by us;
  • Service providers affiliated with the CWB;
  • Suppliers with whom we cooperate, e.g. for online web services such as the platform.

Business relations and service providers

The CWB network includes a large number of business relations and service providers. To maintain these relations and comply with agreements made, we collect a number of data from you.

Which data do we collect from you?

  • Name and contact details
  • Position and the company you work for
  • Details of the company you work for
  • Motivation to cooperate or (temporarily) not cooperate via CWB

We process this information in order to:

  • Provide you with information and communication, including, for example, newsletters, publications or invitations to meetings and events;
  • Maintain the business relationship with you;
  • Request offers;
  • Put you in contact with Participants or the end users of your services;
  • Avoid unnecessary or unwanted contact.

Transfer to third parties

In principle, we do not share your data with others. Your data are only shared if this is necessary for the performance of our services or if we have a legal obligation. In this case, we share data with:

  • Our own employees and third parties hired by us;
  • Participants affiliated with the CWB;
  • Suppliers with whom we cooperate, e.g. for our website and the portal.

How long does the CWB keep your personal data?

The CWB does not keep your data longer than necessary to fulfil the purposes stated in this privacy statement.

  • Our records are retained for a period of seven years, in accordance with the legal obligation. This includes the agreements concluded with you and the period commences after termination of the Participants’ Agreement.
  • If you send us an e-mail or ask us a question via a contact form, the data you send us will be kept for as long as it takes to answer and handle your question in full, depending on the nature of the form or the content of your e-mail.
  • Data for marketing activities will be kept for a maximum of 3 years, after contact has been established in the context of offering products or services.
  • If your personal data must be retained for a longer period as required or indicated by law, other regulations or because of legitimate interests, we may apply a longer retention period.

Your privacy rights

If you want to know which of your personal data are collected and used by the CWB and you want access to these data, you can submit a request to that end. You also have the right:

  • To have your personal data rectified or erased;
  • To withdraw your consent to data processing;
  • To object to the processing of your personal data by the CWB;
  • To data portability. This means that you can ask us to send the personal data we have of you in electronic form to you or to another organisation specified by you.

You can send a request for access, rectification, erasure, objection or data transfer to info@cwbrainport.nl. We will respond to your request within four weeks.

If you have a complaint about the way in which the CWB processes your personal data, you can also report this to info@cwbrainport.nl. Should this not produce the desired result, you can also lodge a complaint with the national supervisor: the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can contact them via the following link: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons.

We have tried to provide the best possible overview of the personal data that we process or have processed on your behalf, stating the purposes and legal grounds. However, we also realise that providing a full and detailed overview is impossible. This is partly due to the fact that other or unforeseen purposes may play a role in the future, for which purposes personal data must be processed. However, we would like to emphasise that in such cases we will continue to handle your personal data with due care and diligence.

Contact details

Stichting Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport

Telephone: +31 6 8311 1210
E mail: info@cwbrainport.nl
Ch. of Comm. number: 74007289