Upcoming event

Kunststoffenbeurs September 18

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Technology
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Participants of Cyber Resilience Center Brainport are joining forces to form a front against cybercrime. The foundation contributes to this with its services. For example, we offer threat intelligence with action perspective, network monitoring, monthly knowledge sessions and the option to certify your organization. Need anything else? If desired, the CRB can refer to its partners, with whom CRB members have an advantage.


IT Platform

CRB participants have unlimited access to the private IT platform. This secure, digital environment is a rapidly growing library where all kinds of information can be found and shared. That information is divided into categories, such as News, Threat Intelligence, Governance, Risk & Compliance, Technical Security, Awareness, Best Practices & Templates and Agenda & Events. Up to date and something for everyone.


Via the CRB app for IoS and Android we can communicate quickly with our participants, just like participants themselves. For example, to warn each other about vulnerabilities or to call in each other’s help. This immediately catches the eye thanks to a push notification on the mobile phone or laptop, so that a participant of the CRB never has to lag behind. 

Threat Intelligence

The Cyber Resilience Center Brainport Foundation has the OKTT status: Objective Knowable as Task to inform its participants about threats. This means that we are allowed to share threat intelligence from the National Cyber Security Center with our members. In the past, this information was only distributed in the vital sectors, such as energy, telecom, the financial sector and public transport.

Network monitoring

The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has a National Detection Network. CRB participants can also have their domestic business network(s) monitored by the NCSC. As soon as the center identifies irregularities, the relevant participant will be notified so that action can be taken.

Security level

With an online tool, participants of the CRB can determine the maturity level of their cyber security themselves. Is it Basic? Or have sufficient measures been taken to speak of Intermediate? Perhaps everything is so well in order that the Advanced level has already been reached. This is comparable to ISO27001, but not equivalent because it also contains parts of a privacy assessment framework.

Improvement plan

The online tool to determine the maturity level of cyber security shows at a glance what an organization can still improve in the field of cyber resilience. A step-by-step plan can be derived from this to increase the resilience level even further. Each CRB participant can then count priorities according to their own possibilities and needs, in line with the policy and the prevailing corporate culture.


Participants who have difficulty improving their cyber resilience can always call on the CRB for help. They can call on their own cybersecurity specialist or other participants who have already invented the wheel, but also on (commercial) partners with whom agreements have been made in favor of the participant. That way we always come to a solution.


If a CRB participant is satisfied with the achieved security maturity level, they can submit an application for an independent audit. Such an audit is performed by appointment by an accredited party and, if successful, rewarded with a certificate. Is it Basic? Then the audit is included in the membership. Additional prices apply for the higher levels, with more extensive control. Each certificate is valid for three years.


Anyone wishing to enlist help can appeal to the partners of the CRB. These partners offer favorable conditions because they all subscribe to the philosophy of the foundation: resilience through cooperation. The service providers jointly ensure that every area of ​​cyber resilience is covered. Whether it’s detection, identification, protection, recovery or response.

Knowledge sessions

Knowledge sharing has a prominent place in the activities of the CRB. Every month, with the exception of August, there are (online) knowledge sessions or master classes on various themes in the field of cyber security. Think of Ransomware, Endpoint Detection, Awareness, Operational Technology security, and so on. Guest speakers lead the sessions or participants give a glimpse into their cyber kitchen.

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